Conversations in Cleantech

August 27, 2024

Conversations in Cleantech

In this podcast episode, we’re delighted to be joined by William Bergh, the founder of Swedish cleantech company Cling Systems. William’s passion for climate change, love of technology and commitment to being part of the solution led him to found Cling Systems, a company that is on a mission to close the loop of electric vehicle batteries, ensuring they are reused, repurposed and recycled.Including his background growing up in Sweden and studying in Hawaii - which sparked his passion for nature and the environment - this podcast covers William's intriguing and unique journey so far.

From playing Soccer and studying Environmental Science to meditation, motivation, how circularity works and why it’s so important - William and your host, Jen, also dive into the rewards and challenges of being a founder within the cleantech space.

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Press Release

Cling Systems und Volytica Diagnostics: Partnerschaft zur Stärkung des Handels mit Second-Life-Batterien

volytica diagnostics und Cling Systems haben sich zusammengetan, um den Wert und die Sicherheit von Second-Life-Li-Ionen-Batterien zu verbessern. Ihre Partnerschaft kombiniert fortschrittliche Batterieüberwachung mit der Beschaffungsplattform von Cling und stärkt so das Vertrauen und die Nachhaltigkeit auf dem Batteriemarkt.
August 28, 2024