Buchen Sie noch heute einen Batterieexperten!

Our Mission, Our Story, Our Values

About us

Discover the Cling mission—what drives us, who we are, and the core values that guide everything we do. Learn about our journey, our dedication to sustainability, and the principles that shape our commitment to creating a more sustainable future.

Unsere Mission

In einer Zeit, die von Umweltzerstörung, Ressourcenverknappung und zunehmender Abfallproduktion geprägt ist, hat sich die konventionelle lineare Wirtschaft als nicht nachhaltig erwiesen. Der dringende Bedarf an einem grundlegenden Wandel hin zur Kreislaufwirtschaft kann nicht genug betont werden. Zirkuläre Geschäftsmodelle sind der Schlüssel zur Bewältigung dieser drohenden globalen Krise.

Unsere Mission ist es, einen nachhaltigen Rahmen zu bieten, der nicht nur Umweltschäden verringert, sondern auch wirtschaftliches Wachstum und gesellschaftliches Wohlbefinden fördert. Wir setzen auf Kreisläufe statt auf lineare Modelle, auf Endlosigkeit statt Endlichkeit und auf dauerhafte Lösungen statt auf schnelle Reparaturen. Es ist keine einfache Aufgabe, und wir haben nicht alle Antworten, aber wir wissen, dass es unsere Zeit wert ist.

“Write out the Cling vision”

Our Team

  • Founded Cling in 2020.
  • Previously at Northvolt, designing batteries for recycling and end of life.
  • Founded electric formula racing team at Lund University.
William Bergh
Founder & CEO
  • Joined Cling from Volvo Cars in 2020.
  • Held leadership positions in remanufacturing.
  • Expertise in electrification and the aftermarket.
Gunnar Magnusson
Employee Experience Manager
  • Joined Cling from Spotify in 2021.
  • Worked in Spotify’s finance software development team.
  • Expertise in scaling cross border payment infrastructure.
Axel Sundberg
Tech Lead
  • Joined Cling from Brunswick Group in 2022.
  • Prior experience in corporate strategy, M&A, and critical issues.
  • Sector focus on energy and tech.
Eden Yates
Market Lead
  • Joined Cling from Debricked in 2022.
  • Expertise with data engineering and infrastructure.  
  • Implemented open-source security across multiple use cases.
  • Joined Cling from Stockholm University in 2021.
  • Multi-disciplinary skill set.
  • Draws on branding, design, and comms in bringing Cling story to life.
Filippa Hector
Marketing Manager
  • Joined Cling from Effico in 2021.
  • Operations expertise, with a particular focus on cross-border trade and logistics.
  • Overseeing the growing logistics operations of Cling.
Axel Wimby
Sales and Operations Lead
  • Joined Cling from Werlabs in 2023.
  • Delivered project management and coordination for critical sectors.
  • Focus on enabling efficient movement of circular batteries.
Kristina Nilsson
Supply Chain Manager
  • Joined Cling from Normative in 2023.
  • Experienced in scale up and delivery at pace.
  • Particular focus on global climate tech and circular models.
Halley Rainer Wallén
Battery Circularity Specialist and Sustainability Lead
  • Joined Cling from Sellda in 2023.
  • Expertise in running sales pipelines and sales development.
  • Ensured customer success and relationship building at all levels.
David Hjelmström
Battery Procurement Specialist
  • Joined Cling in 2023 from Centrale Lille, France.
  • Currently studying both Engineering and Business.
  • Developing French Market and Analyzing data into exciting insights that drive smart business moves
Malo Guyard
Data Associate
  • Joined Cling in 2023 from KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
  • Currently studying both Machine Learning Engineering.
  • Unlocking the Power of Data and Transforming Data into Strategic Insights.

Axel Berglund
Data Scientist
  • Joined Cling from Zmarta in 2023.
  • Proficiency in designing and optimizing user interfaces (UI) and user experiences (UX) with a focus on streamlining processes and development.
  • Design products that enable circularity.

Valentin Loschinin
Head of Product Design
  • Daniel Reed, a seasoned full stack developer.
  • Joined Cling in 2024 after an impressive stint at Futurice.
  • With a strong foundation in both front-end and back-end development, Daniel brings a comprehensive skill set to the table.
Daniel Reed
Full stack developer
  • From LTH, Mechanical Engineering.
  • Researching the possibilities of second-life batteries in micro-mobility.
Felix Mårtensson
Master Thesis Student
  • From LTH, Mechanical Engineering.
  • Researching the possibilities of second-life batteries in micro-mobility.
Ruben Renmarker
Master Thesis Student
  • From KTH, Sustainable Energy Engineering.
  • Delving into the world of EV-battery value chains.
Herta Jankert
Master Thesis Student
  • From KTH, Sustainable Energy Engineering.
  • Delving into the world of EV-battery value chains.
Josef Jegham
Master Thesis Student
  • From UU, Engineering Physics.
  • Investigating architectures for extracting vital battery data using RAG and LLMs.
Jesper Edström
Master Thesis Student

Board of Directors

Claes Bidemar
Board Member
David Schelin
Board Member
Rune Nordlander
Deputy member
Oliver Pawela
Board Member
Reilly Brennan
Board Member
Sara Sjöberg
Board Member
Partner & Investoren
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